Super Short Summary

From Noah to Hercules by

From Noah to Hercules is a book that compares what is written in actual historical sources about the beginning of mankind with what is claimed by the publicly funded Theory of Evolution.  No man alive on Earth today was there to witness what happened at the beginning, so what we know comes either from what we are told in history or what we can discern through forensic science.

Since some people believe what they are told more often than others, and some people lie more often than others, the choice of whether to believe the historians over the forensic scientists is a matter of personal character and prejudice.  How trusting are you?  Who are you inclined to trust?

What can be verified with repeatable, testable science is not in question by rational people.  Electricity is a form of energy.  We can test it and produce the same results often enough to build commercially useful products like computers.  When people start to extrapolate on the science, the speculations are sometimes possible, sometimes probable, and sometimes incredible.  In matters of history, scientific speculation is guesswork.  The Theory of Evolution is not electrical engineering.  It is not a skill we teach to our apprentices.  It is not rocket science.  You can't have an evolutionary engineer who reaches into the past and demonstrates his findings in a commercially viable way.  Sure, we can do breeding now, and we can toy with organisms, but we can't recreate a piece of history using science.  There is not yet a time machine to link us to our past, and I don't expect one to be built.  History is not a matter of repeatable science.  It happened once and will never happen in exactly the same way again.

Fortunately, we do have a time machine analog.  It is the method we use in the contracts we sign.  It is useful in transcripts and receipts.  It is useful, because we know that our memories are faulty.  Even the best memories cannot be duplicated; they will eventually fail.  Since we cannot know with experiential knowledge what happened at the beginning, and since we don't have a time machine, we have no choice but to fall back on the records that have been preserved by those who came before us.  Forensic science can only give us little bits and pieces to speculate upon, but history can give a clear narrative.

If you are a doubtful person, and you believe that people lie to their children and their audience more than they tell the truth, if you need to know things with scientific certainty before you act upon them, this site is not for you.  You will likely be more pleased by the decade by decade changing that happens in particle physics or the moment by moment, person to person changes in the science of taxonomy.  Since you are able to speculate along with them, you can enjoy the forensics of origins with complete skepticism.  You can trust to your own reasoning.  If you do live your life out of a scientific speculation centered world view, I only ask that you do one thing.  Tell yourself why you would accept the truths found in books written about George Washington, Cesar, or Charles Darwin, but you would be skeptical of books written about the beginning of nations.  If you have a good answer, close the tab and have a nice day.  It was nice to meet you.  I have never seen a good answer to that question.  If you don't have a good answer, read on.  You may have had good reason to doubt your parents.  You might not be able to trust your history teacher.  I hope you have a good reason before you doubt the historians that are quoted on this page.  Many people who are less suspicious have found them to be instructive and engaging, as skeptical as any historian of our own day.

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Bullet point summary:

·        We have many records that recount the beginning of the world.  They are almost always considered creation myths by modern historians, implying that they are false, because they are made up.

·        When you compare the creation myths from all the regions of the world, similarities and differences between cultures become evident.  There is an apparent migration of stories, where similar stories can be traced through the nations, the details of one account are more accurate, and the details of the next are a little more fuzzy.  As you trace these accounts back through the nations of earth, accounting for geographical locations, it becomes very clear that humanity migrated across the globe from the Mediterranean region.  Even the evolutionists have an out of Africa scenario, and they don't mean South Africa.  Looking at the records, one culture in particular had very detailed records, with names and ages, details about geography and political powers.  One account seems a little more believable than the others.  The accounts that come close to the quality of detail are nearly all in the same region, namely, the region around Egypt and Mesopotamia.  The trade route between the two is called Israel.

·        Israel's history is written clearly by Moses in the book of Genesis 1-11.  Many more details than are written in Genesis are found in the books of Jasher and Jubilees.  The book of Jubilees was found in many copies among the ancient Dead Sea scrolls, and Jasher contains most of the details of Genesis plus many details more. 

·        The assumption of this site is that Genesis is the most accurate, most acclaimed, and most ancient Creation myth, and if it can be verified by external sources, we can trust it as a probable account of history.

·        After doing much research and collecting information from many ancient sources, Genesis 10 (the table of nations) is not only accurate, but irrefutable as a list of the start of early nations.  It is confirmed by Josephus (Antiquities, book 1 ch. 6), Eusebius' Chronicle, and countless other sources.

·        There are genealogies from many king lists back to Noah in After the Flood by Bill Cooper and clear evidence of the foundation of nations in Noah's Three Sons by Arthur Custance.  Both books are free online and can be found among my sources here.

·        The historians of ancient times gave us what they thought was the most accurate and most reliable source for speculations on the beginning of the world, namely Genesis, and it wasn't really doubted on a large scale until a little over a hundred years ago.  They didn't dismiss it because it wasn't consistent with the other records of history.  They dismissed it because Genesis has a talking snake in it.  They doubt it because it isn't scientific to claim a supernatural cause.  Whether or not you believe in a talking snake, you can't get matter, time, and energy out of nothing without a miracle.  Material can't be both eternal and animated, because usable energy gets used, and with an eternal universe, all energy would have been spent an eternity ago.  Matter has to have a beginning, it has to be outside of scientific laws, and we have a record of how it is believed to have happened.  The modern models of the Big Bang invoke infinite universes and other unobservable miracles, so you have no choice but to pick between one miracle, the other miracle, or the ever present burden of not knowing.  The record is accepted by all three major western religions as an account of history.

·        Unless we know where we come from, we can't know why we're here.  We can't understand the purpose we have for life or the rules for how we play the game.  Unless we know the foundational information, we have no foundation.

·        The creation narrative promoted on this site is that God created everything instantly and formed it into what we now see over the space of six days.  He wrote this with his own finger on tablets for Moses and Israel so that they might keep their day of rest.  It is the reason why most cultures across the globe have always had a 7 day week.  After creation, mankind rebelled against God, and God cursed them with death.  The story includes animal sacrifice, which is also universal in ancient cultures, as a mode of reconciliation to the Creator.  Since the rebellion, God has been seemingly distant and invisible, because perfect righteousness and absolute power don't mix well with selfishness and arrogance.  We have to purify ourselves to engage with God, and when we take a step in His direction, He makes us pure.  He reveals himself to those He considers his sheep.  The story of punishment culminates in what is universally recorded across ancient cultures as the global flood.  The story of redemption begins with Abraham, the founder of Judaism, continued through Moses, and culminates in Jesus, the perfect Jew.  He showed mankind how to live a perfect life of self sacrifice and compassion.  He became the conduit for reconnection to the Creator.  He brings us purpose and meaning in our lives.  This is the dangerously oversimplified summary of our world, our purpose, and our hope.  Everyone comes at this from a different place, and some parts of this are more believable for some and less for others.  Wherever you are, and no matter how doubtful or gullible you are, there are keys here to unlock the origin of mankind.  We all have much to learn from each other.  We should learn what the ancient historians tell us.  You're going to have to trust someone, because you can't know anything about history by yourself.


So that's the summary.  There are details enough to keep a busy person occupied for months on this site.  Most people are already inclined to a preferred answer on origins, and they will either dismiss this evidence without ever looking at it or accept it without ever looking at it.  This site and this book is not for them.  For those who are willing to learn something about the ancient perspective on origins, this site is for you.  Feel free to look around.  Leave a comment on the blog or write me an email (instructions are further in).  In my perspective, if you're reading this, unlike a dog or a mouse, you're my distant relative, and I would love to help you see me with love in your heart as a part of your family.

Mankind's Origin According to History